Hey all!
I honestly have no clue why I am deciding to post here, knowing that my account has been inactive
long enough to be forgotten by my old fans.
If any of y'all still exist; I have a lil message for ya.
I'll get the exposition out of the way, first and foremost:
My music has changed a lot over the years. I went from making music for projects that could range anywhere from chiptune, classic midi, or orchestral. I tried to stylize it more and more as the years went by, and yet.. I still grew more and more tired of the same ol' same ol'. Music wasn't hitting that spot anymore, and for many moons I had this hole in my chest that hungered for creativity.
I tried so many things and it all felt so exhausting. I tried art, video editing, writing, animation, game design, and everything in between... and while I wasn't necessarily bad at any of those things, it just wasn't filling that void. I knew my outlet needed to relate to music, but with my abilities at the time I didn't know what the fuck to do with it.
So with that
I dropped everything I knew and decided to start from scratch. Make music that I want to make, and learning how to properly do so.
I've grown a lot as a musician since the last time I posted, and I am excited to share with all two of you, the new content I've been working on.
Stay tuned!